Thanks for stopping by. You could've gone anywhere, yet here you are. I don't take that lightly. I do hope you stick around for a while and explore my world of literature. And before you leave feel free to drop me a line or two about your thoughts of my work, ideas or words of encouragement.
Be blessed!
Half The Battle is a journey of self-discovery as Candis' entire life changes after a family vacation. An unorthodox reaction to medication led her to a mental illness diagnosis and a life-altering experience that she'd never imagined. Follow along as Candis reveals truths unimaginable and discloses secrets never told.
Click on the video to get an understanding of the cover art for Half The Battle.
Last year wasn’t my best. I settled. For men, jobs, and standards I’d never allow myself to conform to. Today I can say that; three months ago, I would have known it, but wouldn’t have spoken about it.
“California represented freedom, independence, courage, and a fresh start,” she explained. “As scary as moving across the country alone was, my optimism surpassed my fears.”
Georgia is known for its humid subtropic climate. While most winters are short and moderate, the summers tend to be longer and hot. Climate of this magnitude has been said to have originated from the Atlantic Ocean which rests on the east coast where Georgia resides.
"You're a dinosaur" has to be the most memorable line I've ever heard after telling a guy I was a virgin. Although it's unclear if he meant it as a compliment or insult, I thought it was quite poetic to be compared to an extinct animal whose existence is entirely obsolete. But that's not always the reaction I receive.
Much like my personal life, my career has progressed quite unconventionally. I’ve always led a path of my own and felt no regret or reservations for being different. I’d like to think I’ve spared myself a host of heartache and turmoil along the way as well.
Dating is a give-and-take of time, conversation, and effort. In order for dating to work, you have to have the perfect balance of all three; otherwise, something falls short, and inevitably, so does dating– especially when it pertains to dating a strong Black woman.
First dates set the tone for the potential of what could be a relationship. You want to pick a place that’s convenient and comfortable for both parties. Places like the movies or sporting events aren’t great first-date ideas because you can’t talk or get to know someone in a dark theatre or over a loud rumbling stadium.
Dating for Black Women especially can be discouraging and a bit trying at times. The ratio of women to men is already unfair, so finding someone can be tough. However, finding someone is completely possible.
"You don't deserve to be her best friend." Those words still linger in my mind a year later, all because of a missed birthday dinner.
How do you feel today? Are you at peace? Do you feel anxious? Did you get enough sleep? Have you ever asked yourself these questions?
It’s homecoming season and for historically Black universities and colleges (HBCUs), that means it’s time to bring out the gear! If you’ve ever been to an HBCU homecoming, you know that it’s a must to have the flyest threads from head to toe, and the more personalized, the better.
From the outside looking in it may seem as if celebrities have it made with the hottest fashions, cars, homes, lavish trips, and an abundance of money. But do not be mistaken, celebrities are human and deal with real-life situations as do you.
The wait is over! The third season of The Equalizer is back this Sunday at 8 PM ET on CBS. Actress Laya DeLeon Hayes had a chat with Girls United Social Lead Rhyann Sampson to drop the tea on what to expect for this season.
Model and socialite Jordyn Woods is celebrating her 25th birthday today. At such a young age, “Heir Jordyn,” as she’s known on social media, has made a name for herself by constantly giving people something to talk about in the best way possible.
R&B’s newest ‘it girl' Chloe Bailey has no intention of letting up anytime soon. Since the release of her first solo hit, “Have Mercy,” which amassed over 76 million views (and counting) on YouTube, Chlöe has been stirring the R&B pot and makin’ it hot.
While they are different, HIV and mental illness can both be manageable diagnoses, and therapy has been proven to be beneficial for both.
Growing up, solitude was my best friend. I saw this as normal, and so did my family and friends. I just wasn’t a “people person.” But after speaking with my psychiatrist as an adult, this could have been an early sign of what I’d eventually come to know as my diagnosis: bipolar disorder.
Betrayal has a nagging sting. It pokes at you, consumes you, goes away, and returns with the same vengeance. The cycle feels like it always continues. Once you’ve been betrayed, there is no reversal, no undo button, no safety net. You just live in it and with it. No matter how many times you attempt to ignore it or push it in the back of your psychosis, it never vanishes.
The old adage “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” we’re taught as kids is a lie. Words hurt. They burn, and they linger. Growing up, words like stupid, crazy, retarded, or lame were commonly thrown around in school and home as jokes with friends and cousins, but I had no idea how damaging they would be in the long run.
In life, it seems the straight and narrow path is boring and too good to be true, because it is. To reach success, you have circle around the block, stall out, hit a curb, go left with a right blinker on, and repeat. Maybe that’s why toxic things are so intriguing, at least that’s what I used to tell myself to make sense of my insanity.
The world of investing and trading has been a tumultuous one since the pandemic started. At first, it slowed to a crawl amidst all the uncertainty. But lately there’s been a surge in trading — a new demographic of young people who’ve breathed new life into the stock market. Things are changing fast, and investors of all generations and risk levels would be wise to stay on top of it all.
Celebrating and mental health almost seems contradictory because of the stigma associated with it. As a person living with bipolar disorder and a mental health advocate, every day is a celebration because I am alive and living. However, Mental Health Day for me is about self-care, peace, relaxing, and continuing the path that I’m on.
Late last month, rapper DaBaby hurled offensive comments towards the LGBTQ+ community regarding HIV/AIDS and oral sex. During a performance at Rolling Loud in Miami, the rapper instructed concert goers to put their cell phone lights up if they did not have HIV/AIDS or other STDs “that’ll make you die in two to three weeks.”
Sexual tension occurs when two individuals interact and feel sexual desire, yet no sexual activity happens. Sexual tension is more about everything leading up to sex than the actual act of having sex.
My relationship with food was problematic from the day I was born. My mom often recalls how "greedy" I was as an infant, causing her to put rice cereal in my formula within the first two weeks of my life. In elementary school, I only wanted hot dogs, rice and corn, and my PaPa was worried I was skinny enough to see my ribs.
At first glance, what do you see when you look at Sha’Carri Richardson? Mainstream America and the world may ridicule her for wearing different color wigs, long acrylic nails, and lashes, but there’s no denying pure talent. Sha’Carri is unapologetically herself, and that’s what stands out the most.
By definition, a sapiosexual is someone who finds intelligence sexually attractive or arousing.
The word sapiosexual originated from the Latin root word 'sapien,' which means wise, and 'sexualis,' which means sexual. Sapiosexual is still a fairly new word, as Merriam-Webster's first known use of the word was in 2004.
Relationships can be tricky. One moment you can be on the highest euphoria cloud, and the next second it can feel like you're alone in the relationship. However, when you're in a relationship and questioning staying, there are some key things to consider before calling it quits.
You never know how unhealthy something is until you get some distance from it. The relationship between my dad and me was doomed from the start. Before I was even born, my father was heavily into hardcore drugs. In fact, my mom wouldn’t even allow him in the delivery room because he was high on crack cocaine.
** Please be advised, this article discusses suicide and suicidal ideation, which some readers may find triggering. If you or someone you care about is having thoughts of suicide or self-harm, call the free, 24-hour U.S. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (8255).
You never know how far you can extend until you stretch. This August will be seven years since I was stretched—and just like an over-blown balloon, reality popped right before me.
One of the first thoughts I had after I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder was, “Can I still have a baby?” It felt like all of the things I’d looked forward to as an adult just weren’t going to happen. At 25 years old, love, marriage, and a baby carriage—as I wanted it—seemed like a distant, unattainable wish.
When it comes to domestic violence, people have opinions on what is right and who is justified. An example is the latest incident between Saweetie and Quavo (both successful recording artists) in the elevator. Footage circulated of the two in an elevator scuffle. In the video, Saweetie takes a swing at Quavo. He then pulls her into the elevator and pushes her down.
As a Black woman in America, it’s easy to feel overlooked, silenced, and unseen in almost everything. No matter how many degrees I obtain, how diligently I work at my craft, or above and beyond I go to present myself in the most regal fashion, I will always have that inevitable reminder on my shoulder, because, let’s face it, this is not my homeland.
DMX (aka Dark Man X) without a doubt is growling in heaven and screaming, “What?!” like only he can. Or at least that’s what I’d like to believe. As a fan, I was disheartened to learn of his overdose, heart attack, and excruciating stay at the hospital on life support.
We are living in scary times right now. Just think, in 2020 we were ordered to quarantine for pretty much the entire year.
What happens when the evil stranger you’ve been taught to stay away from lives with you? What is the protocol when sexual assault happens at the hands of a family member? The Black community has some learning to do here.
Pre-exposure prophylaxis, also known as PrEP, is the preventative medication used to reduce the spread of HIV/AIDS. It’s been available to people for almost a decade. But not everyone knows about it.
Being Black in America is a dangerous and all too familiar reality for millions of families that have lost loved ones at the hands of violence. But being Black holds such power, grace, will, and resilience that it has to be celebrated.
There are pillars in the community that say they want to make a difference and then there are those that simply let their actions do all of the talking. When I think of Stacey Abrams, her actions overshadow any speech she’s ever spoken.
Do you or someone you know find yourself extremely sad or down this time of year? Now that winter is upon us, and the sun has gone away for most of the day, this is completely normal.
NOVACAINE is the brainchild of Jarvae. Creative Director and Fashion Stylist for Celebrities. This high-quality fashion is a fresh and new brand with heavy influence from the west side of Atlanta,GA.
Working from home doesn't have to be drab, and joggers aren't just for jogging. It's 2020 and there are no rules, so you can wear comfortable, quality clothes throughout your workday, whether you break a sweat or not.
Have you been taking care of yourself during the isolation of the COVID-19 pandemic? Not just the basic hygiene upkeep—I mean really practicing self-care. Many people may feel there isn’t the time or need to do self-care, but I am here to tell you now is an essential time to do so.
On June 25, 2020, I had gastric sleeve surgery and it changed my life forever. Actually, let’s back up to two weeks prior when my life truly changed. I’ve never wanted to slap, uppercut, and go ballistic on the world more than I ever have in my lifetime.
The EZ Detangling Brush is said to be a dream for everyone who wears their hair natural. It’s a detangling brush that is supposed to ease the pain of working through kinky and coily hair types, especially those with the tightest curl patterns from 3A to 4C.
More than 16 years after its final episode aired, Friends is still one of the most popular sitcoms around—and every day, new fans are discovering the iconic '90s series, whether it's through reruns that play all day long on TV or by streaming the show on the new HBO Max service.
I mean blow after blow, consecutively hearing bad news with no way to brace yourself for the impact? Is it not crazy to say aloud that the world shut down and was under quarantine? That COVID-19 killed all plans for the year, including thousands of people?
The last time I had a good bawling session was January 12, 2020, to be exact. How do I remember? Because it was the day after the release of my memoir and first book, “Half the Battle.”
There’s no question that coronavirus took us all by storm. None of us could have prepared for such a pandemic, and none of us could have predicted that it would be continuously prolonged. But now that we are here, coronavirus is changing the way each of us thinks about public health and our role in it, especially when it comes to personal hygiene, not only at home but at work as well.
Have you ever had an ex-beau randomly pop up when things are going great in your life? You know, when they aren’t even a fourth of a thought and you’ve moved on completely?
My name was supposed to be Marcus. At least that’s what my dad says it would've been had I been born a boy. The relief I feel about not being born a boy is incomparable. I mean, there’s nothing wrong with the name besides that it’s basic. At least give me a name that’s meaningful, something that will speak over my life. If I were born Marcus, the abandonment would’ve killed me. Who would’ve taught me how to be a responsible, educated black man in America while dad was locked away in prison? The relief I feel for Marcus’ nonexistence is beyond belief.
Why doesn’t age 30 come with a warning sign? Everything changes, yet you’re not prepared, at least I wasn’t. My 20s consisted of clubbing almost every weekend, flights to Miami (my second favorite city), horrible dates and house parties. So imagine my dismay when 30 hit and so did my lack of interest, and I mean in everything. No longer did I feel the need to go out or entertain guys I knew weren’t good for me. 30 opened a new realm of life. And that realm subtracted the ‘m’ and only left room for real.
You’ve probably heard about love languages. Depending on how you’re wired, you might show love through actions — a simple favor, or a kiss on your way out the door. Or you might express it with words, through affirmations or compliments.
When we think about decorating, we usually imagine transforming the parts of our homes that mean the most to us. We spend so much effort making our bedrooms, living rooms, and kitchens feel like our own that we often neglect the place many of us spend a significant amount of time: the office.
Here you will find my contributor profile for PopSugar when you click the link. I wrote five articles for PopSugar which are listed below the profile.
The Food and Drug Administration approved the first oral contraceptive, Enovid, in 1960. Five years later, in Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court ruled that birth control was protected in the Constitution under the right to privacy, and married couples were given the right to use it. However, by the time that happened, my grandmother had four children.
Growing up, I loved my aunts. They were fun and never said no to anything my cousins and I wanted to do. Summers consisted of swimming, skating, countless trips to Six Flags, and bomb sleepovers that we never wanted to end, so my perspective made me look forward to the day I would become an aunt.
Where's my vulva? There's my vulva!
Masturbation -- there, I said it! For some reason, people treat masturbating as if it's something to be shameful about. And let's face it, everyone does it, so why is it so taboo to talk about? Even married people masturbate. It's a great stress reliever and completely natural. Not to mention that it also releases tension, promotes better sleep quality, boosts your mood, and even relieves menstrual cramps. So how could something so right be wrong?
Kanye West. He is the most controversial, yet one of the most influential artists of our time. Undoubtedly, he has an opinion about everything, and inevitably, everyone has an opinion about him. We’ve all seen him at the highest of highs, and recently the lowest of lows. But that’s where the ideology of a celebrity fades. That’s what makes him human.
As a child, my views on mental health were simple and straight to the point. There were certain kids in school that needed extra attention. Some acted out. Some couldn't talk and made weird noises. Some could even hear voices and talked to themselves. They were different, but not to be targeted or made fun of, at least not in my household.
Is a hair detox a real thing?
You may be wondering how to clean that scalp slate, especially after years of treatments, relaxers, or chemicals. Don’t fret about the restart: When it comes to going natural, we’re here to help you embark on a hair journey that both scalp and curls will thank you for!
It’s safe to say that March 31st 2019 impacted millions of lives and changed them forever. The untimely death of Nipsey Hussle resonated from the streets of LA and spread throughout the entire world like a wildfire. Many knew Nipsey as a rapper, some knew him as a Crip, others knew him as a business owner and a real estate investor, an activist, or Lauren London’s boo. There were so many layers to him and so much ground that he’d covered in his short 33 years of life.
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